
Sunday, September 25, 2011

Foreign Scientists Find Water Flow on Mars

FLORIDA - Search searches conducted by scientists to satisfy their curiosity, about the existence of life beyond planet Earth who would could be an alternative shelter for men, seems to find a bright spot, though still not known whether this point will be able to stone The next leap to then move the majority of human inhabitants of earth that has been increasingly congested this.

From research conducted by American and Swiss joint venture on the planet Mars with the help of the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, an instrument like the Hubble telescope specifically monitor the ins and outs of the planet nearest the earth, scientists discover the flow of water there. The pictures are sent an artificial satellite shows the number of "tendrils" like a river wide reach several meters. Water flow comes from the side of the rocks between the arrangement of plates and flows as far as hundreds of yards to the steep terrain below. According to scientists, it is likely that water flow is a melting mud. Richard Zurek of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory of NASA, which is also the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, researchers say, it's hard to imagine that the flow of water is formed from any substance that allows the emergence of water there. But Zurek also see that the emergence of the water flow only during cold weather conditions, and it's still too cold to be called a fresh water that can be used.

On the other hand, geologists Planet of the Moon and Planets Laboratory University of Arizona Professor Alfred McEwen said, the most plausible explanation of the images transmitted by satellite MRO is, the flow of water is salt water because the color is still brown as a sign of its formation from the melting mud.However, further studies still need to be able to prove all these tentative conclusions. What is clear, although there are bright spots have started regarding the possibility of life on Mars, which will also be an opportunity for human occupied, so far everything is still completely mysterious, because it is still of limited human access to space.

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